When SAHMone Speaks: Rated-M

When SAHMone Speaks

How would you rate yourself as a mother, 10 being the highest?


In terms of love, caring and effort, I think all mothers should be rated a perfect 10.  I’m certain we all love our children more than anything else in the world and are giving 101% in taking care of them and ensuring that all their needs are met.

But, of course, other aspects of motherhood are much more difficult to rate.  In terms of providing proper nutrition and tasty meals, I’d probably rate myself a 3 as I am still far from being kitchen savvy.   For taking time to prepare activities and games for my toddlers each day, I would give myself a 9 (I would give myself a perfect score if it were not for the many times that I was unable to stick to our daily schedule of activities).  I think a 7 would suffice for dealing with their toddler antics and tantrums patiently most of the time (there are times when a whole mile of patience can be worn out and this mom just explodes like the Big Bang ^_^).

Overall, I think I would give myself a qualitative grade of Needs Improvement.  Motherhood, after all, evolves as our children grow and as we mature as wives and mothers.   I may perfectly love my toddlers but am definitely needing improvement in parenting them. Whatever the rating we give ourselves,  what’s most important is that we give our children our unfailing love and understanding and forgiveness.


  1. I do agree with you… unfailing love and understanding and forgiveness. Its something they could treasure no matter how imperfect we are as a mother. Im a single mother of 5 and one things sure on my side… I still have a lot to learn.

  2. yup, you’re right…we all deserve a 10! even an 11! 🙂

  3. Yeah Right, we all deserve a perfect 10 unless we are those who left their babies outside the church or at the garbage can. 🙁 but then again, we all needs improvement.

  4. Very well said sis!

    Thanks for joining!

  5. everyone of us deserves a perfect score. hirap mging mommy..hehe

  6. I agree with you sis. tayo we feel awkward to rate ourselves but if we look at the simple things we did, i think all mom who raise thier kids first hand should be given a rate of 10 hehe

  7. It is really hard to rate oneself as a Mom, coz it is a learning process indeed. But for the simple reason that we are all trying our best to give our best for our kids…we all deserve a perfect 10.

    Visiting from SAHM Meme (Mine is up too at How Do I Fare as A MOM)