Big School, Big Changes

How are you moms holding up to the first month of school? My kids have been in big school for a month now and have adjusted well to the routine and to the new environment. The little girl has not complained about the long hours in school and has always come home with a big smile on her face and hundreds of stories to tell about her classmates and teachers. One afternoon, she even came home quizzing me about scientists and their inventions. The little boy has also adjusted well to a teacher who was stricter than his previous ones. When school started, he couldn’t even write his name properly. Now, he’s able to write his name AND copy the homework written on the board. His teacher also said that he conforms to the class schedule and rules. Well, except maybe for one rule – he can’t seem to keep quiet long enough.

Their day starts really early with the Jade waking up at 5am and Jakei at 6am.  When they get home from school, they have their lunch or snack then do their homework before playing.  Dinner always starts promptly at 6pm. Both kids are already asleep come 8pm and are always ready several minutes before the school service picks them up in the morning. They have really adapted fast to their new schedule. Now I just wish I could say the same for myself!

I’ve gone all haywire inside! I function much better at night but am now forced to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to prepare baon and breakfast. The night owl has turned into an early bird! It has been almost a month already, and although I’ve been consistently able to wake up before 4am, I still feel sluggish in the morning and can’t do away with an afternoon nap. During days when I’m unable to nap, I get really – and I mean REALLY – cranky come dinnertime. Tsk! Tsk!  Hopefully, I’d be able to adjust to this new routine real soon.

Going to big school has definitely brought big changes to our life.  It may feel stressful at times but we are looking forward to the challenges this new chapter brings.  🙂