First Quarter High

First Quarter in big school ended last August and, I must say, both kids performed really well in school.  There were minor issues in behavior during the first month of school with the little girl easily getting frustrated when she’s not called to recite in class even when she has been “raising my hands forever!” and the little boy being a tad bit too talkative and playful in class (he’s still both but is not disruptive anymore – yey!).

They’ve also both adjusted to their daily routine.  When they get home from school, they eat their lunch/snack, do their homework, play or watch TV, take a bath, eat dinner at 6, and go to bed at 7pm.  We run a tight ship at home!

Like all other kids, they want more time for playing or watching television but they do know that they have to finish all their homework and worksheets first.  The little boy has gotten so used to the routine that he asks for “work” to answer before his TV time.

Well, their diligence have paid off!  Check out their grades for the First Quarter:

 photo reportcardday.jpg

I know that learning isn’t just about school grades but high grades give us parents a sense of gratification. That feeling that your own hard work (prepping worksheets and tutoring two li’l kids ain’t exactly that easy!) paid off, too.   The two little bulilits couldn’t care less though.  The 9’s and A’s don’t mean anything to them.  What gave them more excitement was the breakfast treat we promised them as a reward for working hard and doing really well in school.

We’re really blessed to have been given two precocious little children!  Lucky also that they’re so easily pleased with a simple treat at iHop.  🙂